Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spelling or Sight Word Practice in Colored Sand

I'm on a spelling kick this week.  There are so many ways that we practice spelling words that I want to share.  Not only do we use the I Pad like I blogged about yesterday, but we also have lots of tactile ways to practice our words.  One favorite is writing in colored sand.
I store the colored sand in plastic containers with lids when we are not using them.  It is one of those less is more things.  You really don't need a whole lot of sand in the container.  It is fairly non-messy unless someone dumps the container.  

The two year old has white sand with colored paper underneath.  This is also a fun way to practice.  The color shows through when they write.  I think this is right before we had a little mess, but if you have two kids you know the youngest always wants to do what the oldest is doing.  So I try to let him participate even if it means a possible mess.

Want to give it a try?  You can get colored sand at most stores in the craft section, but if you don't get out much like me you can get some here on Amazon.

Have a great day!


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